Monday, March 1, 2010

Harley Davidson

Focaccine all'olio da pasticceria

Good beginning of the week everyone! the recipe today comes from a former baker who now works as bread and pastries in which I crushed in a stage. Last week I asked him to give me a recipe on the fly and it was ... muffins oil ... very good, perfect in appearance and taste ... I'm in love! and I think they are perfect for buffets or a good snack and genuine ... try them and do not regret it;)

oil muffins Ingredients:

kg -1 flour (500 g flour 00, 500 g flour Manitoba)
-15 g -40 g sugar salt

-80 g melted butter
-50 g -13 g yeast
improved (I had not and I failed)
-milk or water qs about 500 ml (I did half water and half milk)
-olive oil and salt to taste

-Mix all ingredients together, taking care to put salt at last, slowly adding the warm milk until composed of a compact, soft but not sticky
-Lay to rise for about an hour-
Spread a layer of about 1 cm thick and cut circles with a pastry rings (alternatively use a glass) and place the scones on a baking pan and leave covered with cartaforno riposare qualche minuto
-Con le dita praticare quattro fori e mettere nuovamente a livitare per circa un'ora
-Preriscaldare il forno a 220°
-Pennellare la superficie delle focacce con olio evo, cospargere di sale e infornare per circa 8 minuti o comuqnue fino a doratura
-Sfornare e pennellare nuovamente con olio

Servire e gustare... una libidine!! :P per il loro rapporto sale/zucchero sono perfette anche per essere farcita con il dolce, dato che l'impasto non risulterà troppo salato ;)


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