Friday, March 5, 2010

What Juices Cause Phlegm

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today I was browsing the website of the products Ariosto and I found a very tasty recipe, which I will share with you.


Ingredients for 4 people: 800 gr
. potato bread crumbs

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Ariosto Mix potatoes

Wash the potatoes, peel, pat dry and thinly slice the same thickness.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Spread a single layer of potatoes on the plate covered with parchment paper.
Sprinkle the potatoes with oil and sprinkle with a tablespoon of prepared
Ariosto Mix potatoes.
Cook the potatoes for about 40 minutes.
cooked, sprinkle the potatoes with the breadcrumbs and then browned under the grill for a while. Serve the potatoes
to hot oven.

guys that throat! This recipe inspired me so much, first because I love potatoes, and secondly because they are first seasoned with the delicious flavor enhancers Ariosto Mix the potatoes and then covered with breadcrumbs, which will form an irresistible golden crust ... my goodness, how hungry! A word

sull'Ariosto Mix potatoes (incidentally, I have at home the mega pipe of 1 kg, so it's always right a disposizione): contiene solo ingredienti naturali e non contiene glutammato, giusto giusto per chi ha problemi di pressione.Avete presente gli insaporitori Ariosto ? Eccoli qui...

Personalmente uso molto l'insaporitore per carni alla griglia e quello per le patate e li trovo ottimi. Ho da poco scoperto l'esistenza dell'impanatura pronta Impan Ariosto, ma purtroppo nei negozi della mia città non l'ho mai vista. Qualcuno di voi la usa? Mi incuriosisce molto e, poiché amo molto i piatti gratinati, credo che sarebbe adattissima per prepararli o anche per impanare e friggere...devo must try. Let me know if you use it ...

Kiss, Delia


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