Saturday, March 6, 2010

Free Indian Satellite Channel

Torta Nuvola Nera

La torta che vi presento questa sera è di una semplicità inaudita... ma è inbcredibilmente soffice e si scioglie in bocca... perfetta per essere farcia o semplicemente da gustarsi così, semplicemente spolverizzata con zucchero a velo... la ricetta proviene da Mon Dieu di cookaround che ringrazio infinitamente per avermela fatta scorpire ;)

Torta Nuvola Nera


-230 g.
sugar -3 eggs
-180 g. 00 -180 g flour
-50 g. of butter
cocoa powder (I recommend that the Lindt)

-6 tablespoons milk -1 tablespoon baking vanilla

-leave to soften the butter from the fridge for a few hours
-Fit the whole eggs with sugar until mixture is light
and fluffy-Add the soft butter and flour, and always alternadoli fitting, then add the sifted cocoa-
Aggiunegere finally the foam obtained from the yeast with the milk, stir and pour into a mold which has been buttered and floured 26 cm
-Bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes (I recommend the toothpick test)
-Allow to cool then remove the bread and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Enjoy ... : P


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