Sunday, March 14, 2010

Breville Breadmaker Bb300 User Manual

Torta Mimosa

Lunedì è stata la festa della donna, e trovandomi a casa con la febbre e un raffreddore che non raccomando mi sono decisa a fare questa torta. Il risultato? buonissima... sarà perchè o used mainly recipes Montersino (which I will post soon), maybe because the combination of lemon cream and strawberries is superlative ... or perhaps simply because there is nothing as good as what is produced by our own hands, with ingredients chosen by us personally.

Torta Mimosa

Ingredients: -1

sponge cake (recipe Montersino)
-500 g lemon custard (recipe Montersino)
-250 g liquid cream
trays of fresh strawberries
-2 - limoncello
wet-icing sugar to finish

For the wet limoncello Montersino:

-150 -150 g water g sugar solution to 70% -35 g

-Mix all ingredients together and set aside

sugar solution to 70% Montersino:

-700 g caster sugar
-300 g water

-In a saucepan heat the ingredients and bring to boil, stirring occasionally
-Adjust the temperature to 85 degrees, let cool and put into jars
-Keep tightly closed in a dry

For Chantilly:

-Whip cream very cold with two teaspoons of sugar
-Combine the custard cream a little at a time, stirring with gentle movements from the bottom up

Assembling the cake:

-Cut the sponge cake in two and dig with your fingers very gently both the top and bottom, collect the sponge in a bowl and set aside
-Generously wet both sides of the pan Spain at the wet-prepared
Fill the cavity with the lower chantilly not overdo it and leave the rest of the cream for decoration
-Cut the sliced \u200b\u200bstrawberries over the layer of the cake with cream and replace the top cap
-Wet also surface of the cake and cover it completely with chantilly held by
-With the pieces of sponge collected previously cover the entire cake, making sure not to leave empty spaces
-Dust di zucchero a velo e decorare con una fragola tagliata in tre e allargata sulla torta.

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