Thursday, March 18, 2010

Luggage Game Mississauga

La Crema Pasticcera al Limone di L. Montersino

I promised that I would slowly put Montersino recipes that I used to make the cake ... mimosa and I always keep my promises! the original sampling provides a recipe Bourbon vanilla pod per liter of milk ... I did the half dose and I used lemon.

lemon custard L. Montersino

Ingredients: milk

-400 g -100 g -150 g egg cream

-35 g cornstarch
-peel of 1 lemon taken with the knife

-Bring almost to boil the milk with the cream and lemon zest, and leave in the recipe and proceed unfusione
In the planetary-mount long the egg yolks with sugar, so the mixture is light and fluffy, then incorporate cornstarch Conbere the help of a spoon, rubber-
Filter the milk and bring to near boil (I left in two pieces of lemon consortia)
-Pour milk mixture into the egg and wait the formation of small "volcanoes" in the center, then stir with a whisk for a few seconds and remove from heat
-Pour into a pan or bowl, cover with plastic wrap to touch and cool quickly by placing it in ice water bath

La crema si conserva in frigo per 3-4 giorni al massimo.

Vi assicuro che una volta provato questo metodo e questa stupenda ricetta, non ne potrete più fare a meno... era strabuonissima!!!

Con la crema che mi è avanzata dalla torta ho fatto una miniporzione al mio fidanzato che l'ha gustata inzuppandovi delle fragole fresche :P


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