Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hammerhead Shark Anatomy

Torta di Mele al profumo d'Arancia

The recipe I am proposing today was taken by Sara In my house, and especially a mio babbo piacciono moltissimo le torte di mele e così, quando ho letto di questo abbinamento mele-arancia mi sono decisa a provarla. Ottimo risultato, sapore perfetto e soprattutto ALTISSIMA! si conserva bene per diversi giorni e potrei quasi affermare che ne guadagni in sapore ;)

Torta di Mele al profumo d'Arancia di Sara


-300 gr di farina oo
-3 uova medie
-3 mele (io golden)
-175 gr di zucchero semolato
-100 ml di latte
-100 gr di burroun
-1 bustina di lievito vanigliato
-la scorza grattugiata di un'arancia

-Montare bene le uova con lo ucchero fino ad ottenere un composto chiaro e spumoso
-Add the melted butter, orange zest, milk and mix well Stir-
now the flour sifted with baking powder
-Cut an apple into cubes and add to mixture
-Pour into a baking dish from 22 cm to zip and smooth with a spoon
-Cut the two remaining apples into wedges and arrange radially
-Bake for about 40-50 minutes (depending on oven) at 180 °

the next Palm Sunday and Good!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Church Anniversary Celebration, Song

Pan di Spagna di Luca Montersino

And with this very simple recipe I have done to keep my both promise and post recipes used for cake Montersino Mimosa! I had never made the sponge cake because it is a very sweet love ... and for this I was terrified that I was right, that does not grow or deflate ... and instead ... spongy, soft, fragrant, delicious ... in short, perfect! thanks Luca Montersino ... cel'avrei certainly not without you ever made;)

sponge L. Montersino

Ingredients (for a cake of 22-24 cm):

- 250 g -175 g sugar eggs

-150 g flour 180 W
-100 g potato starch
-1 vanilla bean bourbon (I vanillin)

-Put the eggs in a saucepan add the sugar and bring to a maximum temperature of 45 ° -47 ° while stirring constantly with a whisk.
- Beat the eggs in the planet at full speed until mixture is puffy, fluffy, writing
-Add vanilla seeds (in my case, vanillin)
-Remove from the machine and add a little at a time, by hand a rubber spoon the flour with the potato starch, mix everything carefully from the bottom up
-Put the mixture thus obtained previously in springform pan greased and floured, without leveling
-Bake at 190 degrees for 30 minutes about

Good sponge to all! ;)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Luggage Game Mississauga

La Crema Pasticcera al Limone di L. Montersino

I promised that I would slowly put Montersino recipes that I used to make the cake ... mimosa and I always keep my promises! the original sampling provides a recipe Bourbon vanilla pod per liter of milk ... I did the half dose and I used lemon.

lemon custard L. Montersino

Ingredients: milk

-400 g -100 g -150 g egg cream

-35 g cornstarch
-peel of 1 lemon taken with the knife

-Bring almost to boil the milk with the cream and lemon zest, and leave in the recipe and proceed unfusione
In the planetary-mount long the egg yolks with sugar, so the mixture is light and fluffy, then incorporate cornstarch Conbere the help of a spoon, rubber-
Filter the milk and bring to near boil (I left in two pieces of lemon consortia)
-Pour milk mixture into the egg and wait the formation of small "volcanoes" in the center, then stir with a whisk for a few seconds and remove from heat
-Pour into a pan or bowl, cover with plastic wrap to touch and cool quickly by placing it in ice water bath

La crema si conserva in frigo per 3-4 giorni al massimo.

Vi assicuro che una volta provato questo metodo e questa stupenda ricetta, non ne potrete più fare a meno... era strabuonissima!!!

Con la crema che mi è avanzata dalla torta ho fatto una miniporzione al mio fidanzato che l'ha gustata inzuppandovi delle fragole fresche :P

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Breville Breadmaker Bb300 User Manual

Torta Mimosa

Lunedì è stata la festa della donna, e trovandomi a casa con la febbre e un raffreddore che non raccomando mi sono decisa a fare questa torta. Il risultato? buonissima... sarà perchè o used mainly recipes Montersino (which I will post soon), maybe because the combination of lemon cream and strawberries is superlative ... or perhaps simply because there is nothing as good as what is produced by our own hands, with ingredients chosen by us personally.

Torta Mimosa

Ingredients: -1

sponge cake (recipe Montersino)
-500 g lemon custard (recipe Montersino)
-250 g liquid cream
trays of fresh strawberries
-2 - limoncello
wet-icing sugar to finish

For the wet limoncello Montersino:

-150 -150 g water g sugar solution to 70% -35 g

-Mix all ingredients together and set aside

sugar solution to 70% Montersino:

-700 g caster sugar
-300 g water

-In a saucepan heat the ingredients and bring to boil, stirring occasionally
-Adjust the temperature to 85 degrees, let cool and put into jars
-Keep tightly closed in a dry

For Chantilly:

-Whip cream very cold with two teaspoons of sugar
-Combine the custard cream a little at a time, stirring with gentle movements from the bottom up

Assembling the cake:

-Cut the sponge cake in two and dig with your fingers very gently both the top and bottom, collect the sponge in a bowl and set aside
-Generously wet both sides of the pan Spain at the wet-prepared
Fill the cavity with the lower chantilly not overdo it and leave the rest of the cream for decoration
-Cut the sliced \u200b\u200bstrawberries over the layer of the cake with cream and replace the top cap
-Wet also surface of the cake and cover it completely with chantilly held by
-With the pieces of sponge collected previously cover the entire cake, making sure not to leave empty spaces
-Dust di zucchero a velo e decorare con una fragola tagliata in tre e allargata sulla torta.

Provare per credere...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Free Indian Satellite Channel

Torta Nuvola Nera

La torta che vi presento questa sera è di una semplicità inaudita... ma è inbcredibilmente soffice e si scioglie in bocca... perfetta per essere farcia o semplicemente da gustarsi così, semplicemente spolverizzata con zucchero a velo... la ricetta proviene da Mon Dieu di cookaround che ringrazio infinitamente per avermela fatta scorpire ;)

Torta Nuvola Nera


-230 g.
sugar -3 eggs
-180 g. 00 -180 g flour
-50 g. of butter
cocoa powder (I recommend that the Lindt)

-6 tablespoons milk -1 tablespoon baking vanilla

-leave to soften the butter from the fridge for a few hours
-Fit the whole eggs with sugar until mixture is light
and fluffy-Add the soft butter and flour, and always alternadoli fitting, then add the sifted cocoa-
Aggiunegere finally the foam obtained from the yeast with the milk, stir and pour into a mold which has been buttered and floured 26 cm
-Bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes (I recommend the toothpick test)
-Allow to cool then remove the bread and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Enjoy ... : P

Friday, March 5, 2010

What Juices Cause Phlegm

Patate al forno gratinate


today I was browsing the website of the products Ariosto and I found a very tasty recipe, which I will share with you.


Ingredients for 4 people: 800 gr
. potato bread crumbs

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Ariosto Mix potatoes

Wash the potatoes, peel, pat dry and thinly slice the same thickness.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Spread a single layer of potatoes on the plate covered with parchment paper.
Sprinkle the potatoes with oil and sprinkle with a tablespoon of prepared
Ariosto Mix potatoes.
Cook the potatoes for about 40 minutes.
cooked, sprinkle the potatoes with the breadcrumbs and then browned under the grill for a while. Serve the potatoes
to hot oven.

guys that throat! This recipe inspired me so much, first because I love potatoes, and secondly because they are first seasoned with the delicious flavor enhancers Ariosto Mix the potatoes and then covered with breadcrumbs, which will form an irresistible golden crust ... my goodness, how hungry! A word

sull'Ariosto Mix potatoes (incidentally, I have at home the mega pipe of 1 kg, so it's always right a disposizione): contiene solo ingredienti naturali e non contiene glutammato, giusto giusto per chi ha problemi di pressione.Avete presente gli insaporitori Ariosto ? Eccoli qui...

Personalmente uso molto l'insaporitore per carni alla griglia e quello per le patate e li trovo ottimi. Ho da poco scoperto l'esistenza dell'impanatura pronta Impan Ariosto, ma purtroppo nei negozi della mia città non l'ho mai vista. Qualcuno di voi la usa? Mi incuriosisce molto e, poiché amo molto i piatti gratinati, credo che sarebbe adattissima per prepararli o anche per impanare e friggere...devo must try. Let me know if you use it ...

Kiss, Delia

Monday, March 1, 2010

Harley Davidson

Focaccine all'olio da pasticceria

Good beginning of the week everyone! the recipe today comes from a former baker who now works as bread and pastries in which I crushed in a stage. Last week I asked him to give me a recipe on the fly and it was ... muffins oil ... very good, perfect in appearance and taste ... I'm in love! and I think they are perfect for buffets or a good snack and genuine ... try them and do not regret it;)

oil muffins Ingredients:

kg -1 flour (500 g flour 00, 500 g flour Manitoba)
-15 g -40 g sugar salt

-80 g melted butter
-50 g -13 g yeast
improved (I had not and I failed)
-milk or water qs about 500 ml (I did half water and half milk)
-olive oil and salt to taste

-Mix all ingredients together, taking care to put salt at last, slowly adding the warm milk until composed of a compact, soft but not sticky
-Lay to rise for about an hour-
Spread a layer of about 1 cm thick and cut circles with a pastry rings (alternatively use a glass) and place the scones on a baking pan and leave covered with cartaforno riposare qualche minuto
-Con le dita praticare quattro fori e mettere nuovamente a livitare per circa un'ora
-Preriscaldare il forno a 220°
-Pennellare la superficie delle focacce con olio evo, cospargere di sale e infornare per circa 8 minuti o comuqnue fino a doratura
-Sfornare e pennellare nuovamente con olio

Servire e gustare... una libidine!! :P per il loro rapporto sale/zucchero sono perfette anche per essere farcita con il dolce, dato che l'impasto non risulterà troppo salato ;)