Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lakme Cosmetics Distributeur Canada

Cheesecake alle Fragole per la Mamma

recipe choice for Mother's Day comes from sognidizucchero.blogspot . com that I have made some changes in procedure regarding the use of isinglass, and I changed the cover by replacing the topping with a nice jelly fresh strawberries;) a cake with striking color and delicate flavor, soft ... melts in your mouth ....

Strawberry Cheesecake:

Ingredients for base:

-200 g dry biscuits (gold or digestive biscuit)
-70 g butter

- Melt the butter and gently without boiling and add it, stirring with a spoon, for the biscuits finely chopped
-Pour into a mold previously covered with 24 cm film layer and press with a spoon
-Place in the refrigerator for at least half 'now

Ingredients for the filling.

-100 -400 g g sugar
-10 -250 g g gelatin
-400 g Ponna to assemble

-Soak gelatin in cold water
-Wash strawberries and cut into chunks, then blend them in the blender and grind into a puree, sieve to remove seeds
-Take a small portion of mashed strawberries with the jelly and heat it up and squeezed buffered Then add the remaining mixture, stir and set aside
-Fit for about 10 minutes to Philadelphia with the powdered sugar until a foam, add the mashed strawberries and whipped cream then
-Pour mixture over biscuit base and place in refrigerator for at least six hours, after which proceed with the coverage

Ingredients for Strawberry jelly :

If they can do even half, but I liked its beautiful rich color effect for the final)

-500 g strawberries
-3-4 tablespoons granulated sugar
-5 g gelatin

-Put the gelatin in a bowl with cold water-
Meanwhile, wash and mix the strawberries with sugar to blender e passare al colino la purea ottenuta
-Prelevare una piccola parte di frutta e riscaldarla delicatamente a fuoco bassissimo insieme alla gelatina strizzata e tamponata, fino a che non si รจ sciolta completamente
-Versare sul restante composto, mescolare e aspettare un poco che si rapprenda (ma non troppo!)
-Versare sulla torta, livellare e lasciare in frigo per diverse ore.



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