Monday, May 31, 2010

Pokemon Hacks For Mac Os X

The bloggers

Happy Mondays, this post is to know all passionate cooks who pass by me that I enrolled at the bloggers. A portal (if it can be defined, not very familiar with the technical language) che raccoglie molti blog di cucina e che pubblica quotidianamente moltissime ricette interessanti!
Dateci un'occhiata e magari chiedete anche voi di farvi inserire...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Installing Rack Lights On 2000 Xterra


Il 25 maggio il mio ragazzo festeggiava 32 anni!!!!!!
Beh, anche se non sono proprio una pasticcera dovevo fargli una dolce sorpresa, così ho deciso per questi biscotti a forma di lettere che componevano la scritta AUGURI LUCIANO contornata da tanti dolcissimi cuoricini. Sarò troppo romantica???

Ingredients for the pastry: 200g flour

120g butter 80g sugar 2 egg

a pinch of salt a few drops of vanilla

Ingredients for the topping:
150g dark chocolate
150g milk chocolate with hazelnuts

Mix flour, cold butter into small pieces, salt and vanilla, add when the mixture is grainy sugar. Mix a little, then add the egg yolks.

Wrap with plastic wrap and let stand half an hour in the fridge. Remove from

frigo, stendere una sfoglia di circa mezzo centimetro e poi con un coltello a punta formare le lettere.

Sciogliere quindi a bagnomaria, su due pentolini separati il cioccolato fondente e quello alle nocciole.

Quando è ben sciolto lasciarlo freddare un pò, quindi immergere un lato dei biscotti o totalmente se si vogliono ricoprire per intero.

Adagiarli su un vassoio coperto da carta da forno e lasciar raffreddare per far rapprendere la cioccolata. Io li metto in frigo in modo che il processo si velocizzi.

Quando la cioccolata si è indurita staccarli delicatamente dalla carta forno e comporre la scritta!

Auguri al mio Lux!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2010 Pet Shop Advent Calendar

Gelato allo Yogurt

Good day! finally got some sun and with it the desire of freshness for me translates into desire for ice cream! Così ho deciso di provare finalmente ad utilizzare la gelatiera e il risultato è stato strabiliante... gelato PERFETTO e cremosissimo! quasi non volevo crederci.. la ricetta di oggi l'ho presa da Annuccella di cookaround che in materia di gelato non può deludere, vel'assicuro ;) ho lasciato metà gelato bianco e all'altra metà ho aggiunto della Nutella (3 cucchiaini) per variegarlo e renderlo ancor più goloso...

Gelato allo Yogurt:


-250 g yogurt bianco (io ho usato il Muller e lo consiglio)
-150 g zucchero semolato
-250 g panna fresca

-Mescolare lo yogurt con lo zucchero
-Aggiungere la panna e versare tutto in gelatiera for about 30-35 minutes

If you want to variegate just add the Nutella a few seconds before pulling out the ice cream and let it run for about 20 seconds!

And that's it ... : P

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Happened


I love, where the sauces are collected, fragrances and flavors mixed together loro.Dove with the absolute simplicity, creates dishes irresistible to the palate. My pesto in my fridge never fail, good for a good plate of pasta, for the delicious canapés, or accompany the meat. Where I love it!

green basil pesto

Ingredients: 1 bunch of basil
of 120 g.
90 g. Parmesan
40 g.
pine nuts 200 ml. extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

green arugula pesto
Ingredients: 100 g. Rocket
80 g. Parmesan
40 g.
pine nuts 200 ml. extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

Pesto red tomatoes to
Ingredients: 150 g. of sun-dried tomatoes (drained) 40 g

20 grams of pine nuts Almond
100 g. Parmesan
200 ml. extra virgin olive oil salt
and pepper

The procedure is the same for all three pests.
Place all ingredients in a small mixer and blend until it reaches a smooth sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Put the pesto
resulting in glass jar, making sure that there is always a top layer of extra virgin olive oil, keep refrigerated, goes up to 10 days

What goodness ...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Nike Football Forearm Sleeves

Traversata del solstizio: 20 Giugno 2010

Una passeggiata dall'alba al tramonto.
Da Este a Bastia attraverso i Colli.

I Colli sfoggiano un verde fresco che canta sotto i raggi ancora obliqui di un sole trionfante nel suo giorno più lungo.
Il camminare è sempre spostarsi nello spazio e nel tempo. Il sentiero è una forma di scrittura che racconta storie di uomini, bestie, piante e sassi.
La traversata del solstizio è un'opportunità di libertà in un giorno magico, un invito al camminar lento per godere di volta in volta del paesaggio, del silenzio, della friends or of going alone.

Antonio Mazzetti

Manifesto (pdf)
tablet Map (pdf)

Meeting at 6:00 on a Vigo di Torre Este.
On the way there are four calls to break with theatrical performances.
At the end of the trail, at around 17:00 in the courtyard of Casa Pettenella there is a break in the company of music and songs. To return to
Este there is a bus service starting at 20:00.

The calls to stop and listen.

Vegri Negro del Sasso 7:30 - 8:00 to 8:30
of Costa Marzemino of Basarani 9:00 - 9:30 to 10:00
Ford of Hot Cold 11:30 - 12:00 to 12:30
Sasso di San Biagio in Rocca Pendice 13:00 - 13:30 to 14:00

The calls are handled by:
Production Centre Theatre Street Theatre Company Red
mentally unstable

Dark Brown Hair Actress

Panfocaccia al Rosmarino

Good week! this week's rainy, gray, cloudy ... Time brings us back to autumn, pampering the fireplace and blankets ... pampering of a good cake soft, flavorful, perfect with cold meats, cheese, but also to enjoy it in its incredible softness ... because the potatoes will make it so soft, or looking to grow in the oven because you can get a sense of immediate satisfaction ... panfocaccia but this is really great.

Recipe Salt and Pepper in April 2009.

Panfocaccia Rosemary


-350 g flour (I put half flour and half manitoba 00) -1

boiled potatoes 15 g yeast
-1 / 2 teaspoon sugar
-1 rosemary
-50 g butter-oil


livito Melt the sugar in 100 ml of warm water in the planetary-
sift flour and add the potato, boiled and crushed (I have gone to the mill), melted butter 2 tablespoons olive oil and yeast
-Mix and add a pinch of salt
-Knead the dough with the warm water needed (the original recipe requires at least 200 ml but to me they are served much less) to the dough elastic, cover with a cloth and let rise in a warm place for 50 minutes.
Oil-Grease a round baking pan with high sides with a diameter of 24-26 cm and stretch the dough with your hands greasy oil-
Break up the rosemary needles on the surface, sprinkle with salt (regular salt I) and let rise another hour
-Finish with a drizzle of olive oil and bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Very soft ...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lakme Cosmetics Distributeur Canada

Cheesecake alle Fragole per la Mamma

recipe choice for Mother's Day comes from sognidizucchero.blogspot . com that I have made some changes in procedure regarding the use of isinglass, and I changed the cover by replacing the topping with a nice jelly fresh strawberries;) a cake with striking color and delicate flavor, soft ... melts in your mouth ....

Strawberry Cheesecake:

Ingredients for base:

-200 g dry biscuits (gold or digestive biscuit)
-70 g butter

- Melt the butter and gently without boiling and add it, stirring with a spoon, for the biscuits finely chopped
-Pour into a mold previously covered with 24 cm film layer and press with a spoon
-Place in the refrigerator for at least half 'now

Ingredients for the filling.

-100 -400 g g sugar
-10 -250 g g gelatin
-400 g Ponna to assemble

-Soak gelatin in cold water
-Wash strawberries and cut into chunks, then blend them in the blender and grind into a puree, sieve to remove seeds
-Take a small portion of mashed strawberries with the jelly and heat it up and squeezed buffered Then add the remaining mixture, stir and set aside
-Fit for about 10 minutes to Philadelphia with the powdered sugar until a foam, add the mashed strawberries and whipped cream then
-Pour mixture over biscuit base and place in refrigerator for at least six hours, after which proceed with the coverage

Ingredients for Strawberry jelly :

If they can do even half, but I liked its beautiful rich color effect for the final)

-500 g strawberries
-3-4 tablespoons granulated sugar
-5 g gelatin

-Put the gelatin in a bowl with cold water-
Meanwhile, wash and mix the strawberries with sugar to blender e passare al colino la purea ottenuta
-Prelevare una piccola parte di frutta e riscaldarla delicatamente a fuoco bassissimo insieme alla gelatina strizzata e tamponata, fino a che non si è sciolta completamente
-Versare sul restante composto, mescolare e aspettare un poco che si rapprenda (ma non troppo!)
-Versare sulla torta, livellare e lasciare in frigo per diverse ore.


Friday, May 7, 2010

What Does Teething Gums Look Like

Pan runny chocolate

E 'from Tampa that Francis, (my youngest son) asked me di provare a fare i pan goccioli, che a lui piacciono molto. Avevo la ricetta, trovata sulla rivista 'Alice cucina' della pasticcera Valentina Gigli e quindi mi sono messa all'opera! Fra l'altro se qualcuno ancora non conoscesse la rivista, consiglio caldamente di correre in edicola perchè è molto valida!

Ingredienti per circa 70 pan goccioli:

1 kg. di farina 00
5 dl. di latte intero
50 g. di lievito di birra
100 g. di zucchero50 g. di burro (tagliato a dadini)
15 g. di sale3 uova
300 g. di gocce di cioccolato fondente

Riponete le gocce di cioccolato in frigo per farle freddare. Disponete la farina on the work surface and form a fountain, dilute the yeast in the milk and pour everything into the fountain, along with the sugar and burro.Impastate slightly and add 2 eggs, one at a time incorporating well, and salt.
Add the chocolate chips cool, so that when you work will not melt. Knead the mixture well and let rise for 1 hour, covered with a cannovaccio.
After rising time, move the dough on a floured work surface and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 4 cm., Using a pastry rings of medium size, cut many discs of about 25 g. each. Work each disc with floured hands to form balls, putting on a baking sheet coated with parchment paper.
Beat the remaining egg with a little milk and spennelate sandwiches. Let rise for 1 hour. After the interval, bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve to your guests when they are cooled.

And Goodness ..

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How To Spike Your Hair


year was that I had this recipe on the one hand in the drawer , cut from magazine Famiglia Cristiana, "and now that I've tried to do it, certainly I think that I will not leave, but often will be on my table, just to make my kids happy chocolaty! And 'quick to make and simple ingredients, even without the addition of flour, who knows maybe it's also good for those with allergies ...

Ingredients for cake tin with a diameter of 26.
300 g. dark chocolate 60 g. unsweetened cocoa 5 eggs

150 g. 150 g. of butter
powdered sugar 1
cuchiaio milk


Break il cioccolato e metterlo in una casseruola insieme al burro, al latte e farla fondere sul fuoco bassissimo. Nel frattempo, montare gli albumi a neve ferma con un pizzico di sale.
Togliere dal fuoco il cioccolato,e aggiungerci i tuorli una alla volta mescolare con cura; aggiugere il cacao,lo zucchero a velo, ed infine gli albumi montati ed amalgamare il tutto.
Mettere il composto così ottenuto, in una tortiera foderata con carta forno e infornare a 180 gradi per circa 25 minuti, poi altri 10 minuti a 175 gradi. Togliere dal fuoco,far raffreddare e spolverizzare con zucchero a velo.
Ottima già servita così semplicemente, se poi vogliamo propio strafare, servire con della crema inglese o panna montata

E che goodness ...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sore Throatred Spots On The Roof Of My Mouth

Il Ciambellone di Adelaide Melles

Recipe Adelaide talented, incredibly soft and perfect for day ... be tested both in nature or, as I have done varied flavor.

Ciambellone Adelaide Melles

Ingredients: -250 g sugar

-130 -250 g flour 00 g seed oil
-130 g water

-3 eggs -1 packet of baking powder
-1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa

-Beat eggs with sugar until mixture is light and fluffy-Add the
of oil, water, and finally the flour with the baking powder
-Butter a ring mold (or I used a silicone mold to the shape of a rose) and pour the 3 / 4 of the compound-
Add sifted cocoa to the rest of the mixture, pour into the mold and make concentric circles with the tip of a knife to create marbled effect
-Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes (do the toothpick test)
-Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Extremely soft ...