Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Can My Dog Take Glucosamine And Remidyl

Torta "Mantovana di Prato"

Un pò di storia: Nonostante il nome di questa torta,la Mantua is a sweet rooted in the traditions of the historical territory of Prato after-curious. Probably, the story takes us to 1490. The facts tell us that the recipe for 'valance' was a legacy at the Medici court of Isabella d'Este, who was only 16, she married Francesco Gonzaga, thus becoming 'Marchioness of Mantua,' and hence its name. It 's a sweet dough soft and fragrant, deep yellow color of a rich almond, egg and sprinkled with plenty of icing sugar. Excellent as a dessert, but also for a good, healthy breakfast or snack!

recipe for a cake pan with a diameter of 26

3oo g. of farina00
270 g. sugar 6 eggs

150 g. butter 2 oranges

1 packet and a half of baking powder
100 g. Almond filleted
70 g. icing sugar

Melt the butter in a double boiler and let cool . Separate the eggs and egg yolks from egg whites, whipped the latter. Put in a large bowl sugar, egg yolks, the grated rind and juice of oranges, and begin to blend with an electric mixer until Amonte content. join the flour with baking powder and continue stirring, with a wooden spoon gently add the egg whites until stiff. Grease and flour the pan hinge, place our compound, filleted sprinkle the almonds and bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes, after this time, turn the oven off and leave for 10 minutes. (Important, do not open the oven for the first 20 minutes). Cool the cake and sprinkle with icing sugar. Serve to your guests and feel that gentleness and kindness.


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