Monday, April 12, 2010

Best And Safest Drugstore Mascara

Mattonella all'Arancia

Questa ricetta davvero eccezionale, l'ho trovata tempo fa su un numero di Cioccolata & Co. giornale che stimo moltissimo e di cui difficilmente mi perdo qualche numero... all'originale ho solo aggiunto dello zucchero a velo e lamelle di mandorle in superficie, ma si possono comuqnue omettere. La consiglio vivamente per una colazione o una merenda ricca ;)

Tile Orange (From Chocolate & Co.)

Ingredients: -3 eggs

-150 g caster sugar -3
-400 g flour 00
-1 packet of baking powder
- 1oo ml oil (I used seed)

-fit well with the whisk the egg yolks with sugar, then add a thread, always beating the oil and continue to mount for about 5 minutes
-Wash and grate the rind of oranges, then pick up the juice and add both to the preparation
-Sift together flour and baking powder and slowly add the mixture, stirring with a wooden spoon
-Finally add the egg whites until stiff, Meholah from the bottom up and not in a circular motion to avoid removing the whole
-Coat with a brush of oil a loaf pan, 1 liter capacity, flour and pour in the mixture
-If desired, sprinkle with icing sugar and then with sliced \u200b\u200balmonds
-Bake at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out dry, not sweet.

Extremely soft ...

Good breakfast!


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