Sunday, November 28, 2010

Does Wearing Underwear Make Penis Small

Traversata Trasversa del Solstizio d'Inverno_Domenica 19 Dicembre_Da Battaglia Terme a Vo' Euganeo

after crossing the Summer Solstice: that of the Winter Solstice. From Sun
triumphant in his longest day - that brought us the Flood - the shortest day, full of mysteries and hopes for another magical day in anticipation of the New Sun.
This time we follow the rising sun, crossing the hills Hills of Traverso, from east to west, walking on the central ridges that are divided up by Ceva to Rua, rising to the north side of the Venda and fall on the gentle vineyards Cortelà and pieces.
A path once again slow but steady, curious wonders, to be held on a strict path, with rocks and boulders, narrow, slippery, da farsi magari in compagnia del gelo, o della neve o, ancora una volta, della pioggia...
Pur nella tradizionale solidarietà dei camminanti, in queste condizioni, ognuno sarà responsabile di se stesso.

Organizzazione e sintesi del percorso, che si calcola sull'ordine dei 18/20 Km.
Ritrovo all'area verde presso la rotonda per Galzignano, in Viale degli Alpini, a Battaglia Terme (il Bar di Michele sarà aperto per l'occasione).
Partenza verso ore 7,30 in direzione del “Ferro di Cavallo”. Salita per le bancate rocciose e scivolose fino alla Croce del monte Ceva.
Discesa al passo di Turri (Prima possibilità di ristoro al Belvedere).
Cresta del monte Trevisan to the High Regazzoni, where we will be guests for a quick lunch at the shelter-house Faostina Paolo Gobbi.
Continue to the crest of the mountain air of the valleys to the pass of Sies (Refreshments at Small Mars). Climb the big side of the mountain east Rua (Another quick dining options at the mountain hut Rua).
Rua and the south side of the ridge to the Col du Roccolo (Refreshments). Climb to the northern flank of the mountain to the house Bronboìna Venda (greetings to the friendly family Fogato) and down to the stony path to the rough-Laghizzolo.
Continue on the road to the town of Motol Mofìo paved street of San Silvestro Cortelà Alta. Step in Cantina di Massimo Mutti and down the coast in between vineyards and Boccon Cortelà. The transverse end
Crossing the Farm where Bacchus and Ariadne camminnanti will be welcomed in a heated space with the comfort food hearty and generous wines ... And finally, songs and dances to celebrate the Calicanto preview new album "Mosaic".

Transverse Crossing (pdf)

times indicated
Sunday, December 19 at 7:33 am the sun rises and sets at 16:41, then we will have about nine hours of winter light to walk.
(The actual solstice will be Wednesday, December 22: The sun rises at 7.35 and will set at 16.42)

Check with the first light at about 7.30
1 hour prior to departure to the summit of Mount Ceva
about 1 hour from the summit of Mount Ceva to the house of Paolo Gobbi (stop)
about 1 hour until Piccolo Marte ( stop)
about 1 hour until the Refuge of Rua (stop)
1 hour to the pass Roccolo (stop)
½ hours back home Bronboìna (short stop)
½ hours to 20 minutes until the asphalt Via San Silvestro
40 min until the Farm Bacchus and Ariadne. In total
on 8 / 9 hours of walking, including stops. Therefore we Bacchus and Ariadne around 16.30.
the recovery of the car to let Battle T. There will be a free ride by means of the organization.

For more information: 3284070488

(no book, no registration)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Clothing Stores With Bad Credit

ZZUB: nuova campagna sulla degenerazione maculare

Hello guys,

today I speak of the new campaign ZZUB: prevention of age-related macular degeneration. The

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease of the retina is still little known but widespread as to pose a major cause of blindness and low vision .

Who is affected by the disease completely lose central vision, in other words, when you look at a face, an object or a landscape you can only distinguish the outline, the outer edges of the image. In everyday life you have difficulty reading, driving, check the time and recognize a face.

The main risk factor is age : over 70 years at least one person in four is affected by the disease. It is difficult to recognize the onset of AMD because he can start hitting only one eye, causing pain and sometimes moves so slowly that you see are only small deformations of the images.

To prevent it, much can be done with early diagnosis and timely therapeutic intervention. The advice is to undergo regular eye exams and adopting a healthy lifestyle with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat. Must be avoided cigarettes and drinks alcoholic.

How valuable tool for self-diagnosis is recommended Amsler test, which detects the typical distortions in the images, indicator lights macular damage. If there are symptoms you should contact an ophthalmologist immediately.

interesting and important ... you do the test and spread it, especially parents and grandparents.



Thursday, October 7, 2010

Very Sore Stomach At 33 Weeks

Omaggio: fondotinta Clinique

Hello girls,

a tribute just for you: Bring a box of perfume in your foundation use of any brand and will receive a trial pack of Clinique Superbalanced Makeup gift.
Here the page to find the perfume closest to you. Here
details of the transaction.

Valid until October 24, hurry up.



Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Credit Suisse Singapore Graduate Interview Tips

Novità: Trnd

Hello guys, how long

! I must admit I'm not running after many months, but the construction of the house and the move have kept me very busy and then a little 'lazy gave the final blow.

Although it is a long time since I write to you today I have to communicate this news, because I really liked: a new site WOM That allows you to test new products.

Many of you are like me, already enrolled in ZZUB ... well Trnd builds on this philosophy: Try new products, talk to friends and family, write reports and gain experience points to be eligible for new tests .

The first campaign is for the Ritter (Siiiii, just the chocolate) and you will receive at home a mega kit with 5 pounds of chocolate to try and distribute. I find it fantastic and I hope with all my heart to be accepted.

Want to try too? Sign up now to try to participate in this first campaign, but also for the next two campaigns have already been announced (Nespresso and Beauty cosmetics and ... wow!).

just signed you will easily find all information about how the site works in detail, because the graphics are simple and immediate, in a few clicks you will have already understood everything.

Of course, if you have problems let me know ... although I do not write there forever (however, promise to return with more regularity).



Sunday, September 5, 2010

Make No Sew Fleece Scarves

Festa In Rosso _ Este No Cover 2010 _ 10-19 Settembre

This year the Festival will be at the Castello di Este, from
Friday 10 to Sunday, September 19.
addition to a rich food stand
and consolidated play areas,
propose a rich cultural program. Friday, September 10

ESTE NO COVER '10_indie fest_h music. 21:00
- No Seduction (garage-new wave from Venice)
- Modotti (post punk from Ferrara)
Saturday, September 11

LIVE IN ROSSO_musica from vivo_h. 21:00
- Accauno (rock from Milan)
- The Ex-KGB (rock from Carmignano di Brenta)

Sunday, September 12
Tales Antonio Mazzetti and Damian Fusaro will lead us to the rediscovery of public gardens
Laboratory of making musical instruments from recycled materials
LIVE IN ROSSO_musica from vivo_h.21: 00
- Dansudav (indie-ambient noise from Vicenza)

NUCLEAR Monday, September 13: REASONS FOR NO_h. 20:30
Assembly debate
Libero Battiston (CNR Padova)
Gianni Tamino (professor of biology at the University of Padova)
MY WILL BE DONE ' _h.22 : 00-
Documentary investigation of James and Emma Octavia Leon, Paola Bordi, Head and Elisa Ottavio Leoni on living wills, the discovery of the funeral of civil bureaucracy, sectarianism and fundamentalism (Pieces of cotton, 2010)

Tuesday, September 14
AS A MAN ON EARTH _h.22: 00
Film Biadene Riccardo, Andrea Segre and Dagmawi Yimer in 2008 that collects the terrible memories of many people travel to the Mediterranean through Libya

Wednesday, September 15
BOSCHI_h OF MEN. 21:00
Antonio Mazzetti (natural) and Giancarlo Ferron (guard-hunting) are compared on knowledge and respect of the territory starting from their life experiences. Giancarlo Ferron will also present his books, including "The bear's paw" (Ed. Library image), his last effort

Thursday, September 16
La compagnia teatrale " Amici del Ferrari MenTalmente Instabili " presenta lo spettacolo "Quello spiacevole incidente". Liberamente tratto da "Morte accidentale di un anarchico" di Dario Fo, lo spettacolo punta sulla ricostruzione farsesca del caso cercando, però, attraverso l'adattamento e l'aggiornamento del testo, di andare oltre per mostrare il volto tragicomico del potere e soprattutto, dice Fo, "il deretano nudo e orrendo dell'ipocrisia"

Venerdì 17 Settembre
Dibattito con
Gian Paolo Patta (Coordinatore nazionale Federazione della Sinistra)
Nicola Atalmi (Regional Secretary of the Italian Communists)
Pietrangelo Pettenò (Regional Council of the Federation Left)
Attilio Motta (Left Provincial Secretary Environment and Freedom)
ESTE NO COVER '10_indie fest_h music. 21:00
Speedy peons (trashy glam from Padova)
The Super Burritos (surf-garage from Vicenza)

Saturday, September 18
ESTE NO COVER '10_indie fest_h music. 21:00
Mount Yack (flamenco from Vittorio Veneto)
The Great Northern X (indie from Italy)

Domenica 19 Settembre

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Wording

Incontro con il Passato

Venerdì 3 Settembre chiuderemo il
progetto sui Colli Euganei con la serata
"Incontro con il Passato"
con inizio alle ore 21:00
presso Villa Venier a Vò Vecchio.

La rock band Malazeta
presenta una rievocazione
sulla seicentesca Villa Venier di Vò Vecchio
nel periodo durante il quale fu individuata
come luogo di concentramento degli ebrei
delle province di Padova e Rovigo (1943-1944).
Con la partecipazione speciale
della compagnia dell'Angelo
and videos Pittarello Nicola,
Malazeta will try to retrace
that dark period and deprivation,
accompanied by reflection on modern times.

Contact: 3284070488 / 3404993148

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Free Wedding Seating Chart

Dal Plenilunio all'Alba

Project Euganean Hills continues Saturday, August 28
with a white night certainly particular.

light reflected from the screen,
the glow of the moon that lights the paths of the Hills Hills.
A unique evening, which starts around midnight
night with a screening of short films by
dell'Euganea Movie Movement, dedicated
alla terra, alle sue trasformazioni,
ai problemi ambientali che la affliggono.
Ma saranno anche visioni e suggestioni
animate di viaggio e di sogno
proseguendo poi a passeggio con Antonio Mazzetti
in un breve itinerario,
per scoprire i nostri Colli Euganei
e i mille suoni che li attraversano nella notte,
aspettando l'alba.

Ritrovo alle ore 22:30
presso la Valletta dei Piombini a Valle San Giorgio;
inizio proiezioni alle ore 24:00;
la passeggiata notturna comincerà per le ore 2:00.

Durante la serata e in attesa dell'alba
le canzoni e i suoni folk di ART OF WIND, Marco Degli Esposti.

I filmati:
"Be water,my friend" di Antonio Martino, Italia Uzbekistan, 15'
"I love Benidorm" di G. Crivaro e M. Romanazzi, Spagna-Italia, 29'
"La casa verde (una storia politica)" di Gianluca Brezza, Italia, 22'
"La presa" di Jorge Rivero, Spagna, 16'

In caso di maltempo, si effettueranno solamente le proiezioni.
L'organizzazione raccomanda di munirsi di torce elettriche,
di una coperta e di un equipaggiamento adeguato.

Per ulteriori informazioni:
3284070488 / 3404993148

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Motorbike Birthday Cake Ideas

La Traversata del Solstizio si farà anche in caso di maltempo

In caso di maltempo la Traversata si farà con le medesime modalità. Un buon equipaggiamento deve tener conto delle più svariate condizioni metereologiche. Buon cammino...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cost To Remove Cyst From Dog

Crostata alla Frutta

Buona sera a tutti... il dolce che vi propongo oggi è un classico, un guscio di friabile frolla che racchiude alsuo interno una crema chantilly al limone morbida e compatta,che si scioglie in bocca... una copertura di frutta colorata per garantire l'effetto cromatico e siamo pronti a portarla in tavola e gustarla! La ricetta della crema è quella di Luca Montersino che ho deciso di rendere più compatta sfruttando una tecinica di Giovanni Pina che prevede l'utilizzo della gelatina... il risultato è stato perfetto! per la frolla invece usate la vostra ricetta di fiducia ;)


-pasta frolla aromatizzata con vanillina
-crema pasticcera al limone di Luca Montersino, la trovate qui:
-250 ml panna
-10 g colla di pesce
-frutta di stagione a piacere

-Rivestire con la frolla una teglia da 26 cm, bucherellare con i rebbi dell forchetta il fondo e cuocere in bianco ovvero coprendo la frolla con carta stagnola e pondendovi sopra un peso (nel mio caso fagioli secchi) baffinchè non cedano i bordi e non gonfi la base
-Preparare la crema come da ricetta e lasciar raffreddare completamente
-Ammollare la colla di pesce in acqua ben fredda
-Scaldare circa 100 g di crema pasticcera , strizzare bene la gelatina e sciocglierla nella crema, mescolando
-Unire poi al composto la restante crema pasticcera fredda
-Montare la panna con un cucchiaio di zucchero a velo ed unirla delicatamente cream when it has reached a temperature of 28 ° -30 °
-Pour the lemon in Chantilly cooked and cooled pastry shell and smooth-
Decorate with fruit and, if desired, complete with jelly.

delicious and fresh ...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Why Do I Always Have Cramps?

Il libro "La traversata del solstizio"

E' uscito il libro "La traversata del solstizio", in serie limitata a 200 copie, il primo della collana I Libri del Totem. Racconta questa straordinaria esperienza che vede coinvolte alcune associazioni culturali del territorio come MenTalmente Instabili, Via Rosse, EMM, Malazeta. Fondamentale il contributo al progetto del Prof. Antonio Mazzetti, di cui trovate all'interno un racconto del percorso della traversata, con suggestioni che sicuramente assumono un valore aggiuntivo dopo aver svolto realmente questa indimenticabile esperienza.
All'interno del libro troverete anche una descrizione dei posti che attraverserete fatta dai maggiori intellettuali veneti dell'Ottocento, estratta da "I Colli Euganei", Isonomia Editrice.
Il libro lo trovate alle iniziative del Totem.

Monday, June 7, 2010

What Episode Does Bulma Say That Vegeta Is Cute


Greetings to all! Today is Monday, I spent a nice weekend and hope to be the same for you. Now goddammit
are out of work and I have to spend much time looking for one ... but I always dedicate to sport, as soon as I blog, reading, my passions, in short ... Among other things, I started taking lessons in squash and I must say I'm very distracted by other thoughts.
I've been fired for staff reductions after 11 years ... damn but I'm not feeling sorry for himself. I have to react and take some things in hand. It 'difficult, because I have to start from scratch and also put some zeal.
This was not to sadden anyone, Indeed, I hope you rotate things in the right direction and that the difficulties I will be able to overcome soon.
said this simple step to a simple recipe that I liked a lot.


Ingredients: 4 zucchini round

300 g minced beef 10 g

breadcrumbs 1 / 2 Egg

grated Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Salt



Cut the top of the zucchini and empty.

Put a pot of salted water to a boil.

When the water boils, dip the zucchini for about twenty minutes. (In questo modo sono riuscita ad evitare una cottura infinita in forno. Poi sottolineo che le mie zucchine erano compre, quelle che ho nell'orto non avrebbero necessitato di questo passaggio, perchè si sarebbero cotte con molta più facilità)

Intanto preparare il ripieno. In una ciotola mettere la carne macinata, sale, pepe, il pan grattato, un cucchiaio di parmigiano grattugiato, la metà circa di un uovo appena sbattuto ( si può mettere anche tutto, ma io per via della dieta metto sempre meno ingredienti possibili), il prezzemolo tritato e mischiare il composto.

Passati circa 20 minuti, quando insomma le zucchine risultano un pò più morbide, toglierle water, salt and pepper the inside (not much if acuqa in which you boiled it was already quite salty), then fill with the mixture of meat.

Take a baking dish, cover with greaseproof paper, then go a little oil.

Arrange the zucchini over, spend even a little oil and bake for about 40 minutes.

oven and all at the table!

I was advanced a bit of meat filling, as you can see from the photos, and so I made a dumpling that I baked with zucchini.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sample Of Community Service Hours Letter


few days ago came to visit a friend in Rome, and so I decided to make this chocolate cheesecake always like that much at all.
The recipe I picked up , I made very few changes made to the fund and sostiutuito biscuits and butter with a pastry.

Ingredients: 250 g pastry

160 g sugar 3 eggs small
200 g dark chocolate 80g Coffee
300g ricotta 200g Philadelphia


Stendere la frolla su una tortiera da cm 25.

Tritare finemente il cioccolato, versarvi sopra il caffè ancora caldo e amalgamare con un cucchiaio di legno fino a completo scioglimento.

Preparare la crema montando insieme ricotta e philadelphia e aggiungendo a poco a poco lo zucchero, poi le uova una alla volta. Infine la vanillina ed un pizzico di sale.

Aggiungere il composto caffè e cioccolato completamente raffreddato e amalgamare.

Versare la crema ottenuta sulla pastry and bake at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes.

Allow to cool completely in the oven and closed off.

Place in the refrigerator for several hours.

me some cream and advanced ... I made a tiny cheese cake biscuit base.

The stuffing will swell during cooking for a while, then fall during cooling. It 's all normal, a supersonic goodness!
And this is the slice:
Trivia: to remove it from the form, I thought well turn it upside down, so I was spoiled a small part of the surface. Not to panic, I decided to garnish with a heart made of chocolate chips and it came out even better than I hoped!

I am posting the pictures of the cheese cake biscuit base:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sasuke And Sakura Fanfiction

Gelato alla Banana

Oh yes! now I'm really into this story with ice cream! but as we prefer to do it, conglomerate natural ingredients chosen by us is really a satisfaction! the choice of this ice cream depended on the quantity of bananas to be disposed of and the result has left us all excited! good, good!

Ice Cream Banana

Ingredients: -300 g

relatively mature banana cream

-150 g -150 g -125 g sugar

milk-juice of half lemon-vanilla

-Cut washers bananas and sprinkle with the lemon juice filtered
-Add all other ingredients and blend with a blender or with a glass of milkshake-
Pour into ice cream for about 30-35 minutes or until desired creaminess.

: P: P

Monday, May 31, 2010

Pokemon Hacks For Mac Os X

The bloggers

Happy Mondays, this post is to know all passionate cooks who pass by me that I enrolled at the bloggers. A portal (if it can be defined, not very familiar with the technical language) che raccoglie molti blog di cucina e che pubblica quotidianamente moltissime ricette interessanti!
Dateci un'occhiata e magari chiedete anche voi di farvi inserire...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Installing Rack Lights On 2000 Xterra


Il 25 maggio il mio ragazzo festeggiava 32 anni!!!!!!
Beh, anche se non sono proprio una pasticcera dovevo fargli una dolce sorpresa, così ho deciso per questi biscotti a forma di lettere che componevano la scritta AUGURI LUCIANO contornata da tanti dolcissimi cuoricini. Sarò troppo romantica???

Ingredients for the pastry: 200g flour

120g butter 80g sugar 2 egg

a pinch of salt a few drops of vanilla

Ingredients for the topping:
150g dark chocolate
150g milk chocolate with hazelnuts

Mix flour, cold butter into small pieces, salt and vanilla, add when the mixture is grainy sugar. Mix a little, then add the egg yolks.

Wrap with plastic wrap and let stand half an hour in the fridge. Remove from

frigo, stendere una sfoglia di circa mezzo centimetro e poi con un coltello a punta formare le lettere.

Sciogliere quindi a bagnomaria, su due pentolini separati il cioccolato fondente e quello alle nocciole.

Quando è ben sciolto lasciarlo freddare un pò, quindi immergere un lato dei biscotti o totalmente se si vogliono ricoprire per intero.

Adagiarli su un vassoio coperto da carta da forno e lasciar raffreddare per far rapprendere la cioccolata. Io li metto in frigo in modo che il processo si velocizzi.

Quando la cioccolata si è indurita staccarli delicatamente dalla carta forno e comporre la scritta!

Auguri al mio Lux!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

2010 Pet Shop Advent Calendar

Gelato allo Yogurt

Good day! finally got some sun and with it the desire of freshness for me translates into desire for ice cream! Così ho deciso di provare finalmente ad utilizzare la gelatiera e il risultato è stato strabiliante... gelato PERFETTO e cremosissimo! quasi non volevo crederci.. la ricetta di oggi l'ho presa da Annuccella di cookaround che in materia di gelato non può deludere, vel'assicuro ;) ho lasciato metà gelato bianco e all'altra metà ho aggiunto della Nutella (3 cucchiaini) per variegarlo e renderlo ancor più goloso...

Gelato allo Yogurt:


-250 g yogurt bianco (io ho usato il Muller e lo consiglio)
-150 g zucchero semolato
-250 g panna fresca

-Mescolare lo yogurt con lo zucchero
-Aggiungere la panna e versare tutto in gelatiera for about 30-35 minutes

If you want to variegate just add the Nutella a few seconds before pulling out the ice cream and let it run for about 20 seconds!

And that's it ... : P

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Happened


I love, where the sauces are collected, fragrances and flavors mixed together loro.Dove with the absolute simplicity, creates dishes irresistible to the palate. My pesto in my fridge never fail, good for a good plate of pasta, for the delicious canapés, or accompany the meat. Where I love it!

green basil pesto

Ingredients: 1 bunch of basil
of 120 g.
90 g. Parmesan
40 g.
pine nuts 200 ml. extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

green arugula pesto
Ingredients: 100 g. Rocket
80 g. Parmesan
40 g.
pine nuts 200 ml. extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper

Pesto red tomatoes to
Ingredients: 150 g. of sun-dried tomatoes (drained) 40 g

20 grams of pine nuts Almond
100 g. Parmesan
200 ml. extra virgin olive oil salt
and pepper

The procedure is the same for all three pests.
Place all ingredients in a small mixer and blend until it reaches a smooth sauce, salt and pepper to taste. Put the pesto
resulting in glass jar, making sure that there is always a top layer of extra virgin olive oil, keep refrigerated, goes up to 10 days

What goodness ...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Nike Football Forearm Sleeves

Traversata del solstizio: 20 Giugno 2010

Una passeggiata dall'alba al tramonto.
Da Este a Bastia attraverso i Colli.

I Colli sfoggiano un verde fresco che canta sotto i raggi ancora obliqui di un sole trionfante nel suo giorno più lungo.
Il camminare è sempre spostarsi nello spazio e nel tempo. Il sentiero è una forma di scrittura che racconta storie di uomini, bestie, piante e sassi.
La traversata del solstizio è un'opportunità di libertà in un giorno magico, un invito al camminar lento per godere di volta in volta del paesaggio, del silenzio, della friends or of going alone.

Antonio Mazzetti

Manifesto (pdf)
tablet Map (pdf)

Meeting at 6:00 on a Vigo di Torre Este.
On the way there are four calls to break with theatrical performances.
At the end of the trail, at around 17:00 in the courtyard of Casa Pettenella there is a break in the company of music and songs. To return to
Este there is a bus service starting at 20:00.

The calls to stop and listen.

Vegri Negro del Sasso 7:30 - 8:00 to 8:30
of Costa Marzemino of Basarani 9:00 - 9:30 to 10:00
Ford of Hot Cold 11:30 - 12:00 to 12:30
Sasso di San Biagio in Rocca Pendice 13:00 - 13:30 to 14:00

The calls are handled by:
Production Centre Theatre Street Theatre Company Red
mentally unstable

Dark Brown Hair Actress

Panfocaccia al Rosmarino

Good week! this week's rainy, gray, cloudy ... Time brings us back to autumn, pampering the fireplace and blankets ... pampering of a good cake soft, flavorful, perfect with cold meats, cheese, but also to enjoy it in its incredible softness ... because the potatoes will make it so soft, or looking to grow in the oven because you can get a sense of immediate satisfaction ... panfocaccia but this is really great.

Recipe Salt and Pepper in April 2009.

Panfocaccia Rosemary


-350 g flour (I put half flour and half manitoba 00) -1

boiled potatoes 15 g yeast
-1 / 2 teaspoon sugar
-1 rosemary
-50 g butter-oil


livito Melt the sugar in 100 ml of warm water in the planetary-
sift flour and add the potato, boiled and crushed (I have gone to the mill), melted butter 2 tablespoons olive oil and yeast
-Mix and add a pinch of salt
-Knead the dough with the warm water needed (the original recipe requires at least 200 ml but to me they are served much less) to the dough elastic, cover with a cloth and let rise in a warm place for 50 minutes.
Oil-Grease a round baking pan with high sides with a diameter of 24-26 cm and stretch the dough with your hands greasy oil-
Break up the rosemary needles on the surface, sprinkle with salt (regular salt I) and let rise another hour
-Finish with a drizzle of olive oil and bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Very soft ...