Monday, November 8, 2010

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ZZUB: nuova campagna sulla degenerazione maculare

Hello guys,

today I speak of the new campaign ZZUB: prevention of age-related macular degeneration. The

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease of the retina is still little known but widespread as to pose a major cause of blindness and low vision .

Who is affected by the disease completely lose central vision, in other words, when you look at a face, an object or a landscape you can only distinguish the outline, the outer edges of the image. In everyday life you have difficulty reading, driving, check the time and recognize a face.

The main risk factor is age : over 70 years at least one person in four is affected by the disease. It is difficult to recognize the onset of AMD because he can start hitting only one eye, causing pain and sometimes moves so slowly that you see are only small deformations of the images.

To prevent it, much can be done with early diagnosis and timely therapeutic intervention. The advice is to undergo regular eye exams and adopting a healthy lifestyle with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in fat. Must be avoided cigarettes and drinks alcoholic.

How valuable tool for self-diagnosis is recommended Amsler test, which detects the typical distortions in the images, indicator lights macular damage. If there are symptoms you should contact an ophthalmologist immediately.

interesting and important ... you do the test and spread it, especially parents and grandparents.




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