Friday, June 4, 2010

Sample Of Community Service Hours Letter


few days ago came to visit a friend in Rome, and so I decided to make this chocolate cheesecake always like that much at all.
The recipe I picked up , I made very few changes made to the fund and sostiutuito biscuits and butter with a pastry.

Ingredients: 250 g pastry

160 g sugar 3 eggs small
200 g dark chocolate 80g Coffee
300g ricotta 200g Philadelphia


Stendere la frolla su una tortiera da cm 25.

Tritare finemente il cioccolato, versarvi sopra il caffè ancora caldo e amalgamare con un cucchiaio di legno fino a completo scioglimento.

Preparare la crema montando insieme ricotta e philadelphia e aggiungendo a poco a poco lo zucchero, poi le uova una alla volta. Infine la vanillina ed un pizzico di sale.

Aggiungere il composto caffè e cioccolato completamente raffreddato e amalgamare.

Versare la crema ottenuta sulla pastry and bake at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes.

Allow to cool completely in the oven and closed off.

Place in the refrigerator for several hours.

me some cream and advanced ... I made a tiny cheese cake biscuit base.

The stuffing will swell during cooking for a while, then fall during cooling. It 's all normal, a supersonic goodness!
And this is the slice:
Trivia: to remove it from the form, I thought well turn it upside down, so I was spoiled a small part of the surface. Not to panic, I decided to garnish with a heart made of chocolate chips and it came out even better than I hoped!

I am posting the pictures of the cheese cake biscuit base:


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