Monday, June 7, 2010

What Episode Does Bulma Say That Vegeta Is Cute


Greetings to all! Today is Monday, I spent a nice weekend and hope to be the same for you. Now goddammit
are out of work and I have to spend much time looking for one ... but I always dedicate to sport, as soon as I blog, reading, my passions, in short ... Among other things, I started taking lessons in squash and I must say I'm very distracted by other thoughts.
I've been fired for staff reductions after 11 years ... damn but I'm not feeling sorry for himself. I have to react and take some things in hand. It 'difficult, because I have to start from scratch and also put some zeal.
This was not to sadden anyone, Indeed, I hope you rotate things in the right direction and that the difficulties I will be able to overcome soon.
said this simple step to a simple recipe that I liked a lot.


Ingredients: 4 zucchini round

300 g minced beef 10 g

breadcrumbs 1 / 2 Egg

grated Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Salt



Cut the top of the zucchini and empty.

Put a pot of salted water to a boil.

When the water boils, dip the zucchini for about twenty minutes. (In questo modo sono riuscita ad evitare una cottura infinita in forno. Poi sottolineo che le mie zucchine erano compre, quelle che ho nell'orto non avrebbero necessitato di questo passaggio, perchè si sarebbero cotte con molta più facilità)

Intanto preparare il ripieno. In una ciotola mettere la carne macinata, sale, pepe, il pan grattato, un cucchiaio di parmigiano grattugiato, la metà circa di un uovo appena sbattuto ( si può mettere anche tutto, ma io per via della dieta metto sempre meno ingredienti possibili), il prezzemolo tritato e mischiare il composto.

Passati circa 20 minuti, quando insomma le zucchine risultano un pò più morbide, toglierle water, salt and pepper the inside (not much if acuqa in which you boiled it was already quite salty), then fill with the mixture of meat.

Take a baking dish, cover with greaseproof paper, then go a little oil.

Arrange the zucchini over, spend even a little oil and bake for about 40 minutes.

oven and all at the table!

I was advanced a bit of meat filling, as you can see from the photos, and so I made a dumpling that I baked with zucchini.


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