Sunday, February 14, 2010

Can You Get A Phiten Necklace Wet

Cheesecake al Cioccolato Bianco

Buona sera a tutti!!! il dolcino godurioso che vi propongo stasera l'ho trovato mooolto tempo fa sulla rivista Cioccolato & Co. ed è ormai divenuto un must in casa mia... mio fratello lo definisce addirittura come "Il cheesecake più buono che ci sia", e posso assicurarvi che se deciderete di provarlo non ve ne pentirete... le dosi sono adattate alle mia teglia da 24 cm.

White Chocolate Cake Ingredients for


-200 g chocolate biscuits (I Pan di Stelle)

-100 g butter Finely chop the cookies and mix with melted butter, pour the mixture in a baking pan previously greased and hinged with the bottom covered cartaforno. Place in refrigerator to harden for at least 30 minutes.

Ingredients for the cake:

-500 g -250 g white chocolate ricotta

-1 / 2 vial of vanilla extract
100 g caster sugar -2 eggs

-50 g dark chocolate for decoration

-Melt the chocolate in a double boiler Bainco
-In a bowl fitted with the whisk the ricotta cheese to soften and add sugar, vanilla and eggs one at a time and finally white chocolate warmed but still soft
-Pour over the base of biscuits and bake at 180 degrees for
-about 40 minutes if possible, let the cake cool in the oven and then put in the fridge for a night
-Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and through the use of a croissant or more semplimente paper with a wooden spoon to doodles on the surface of the cake.

Et voila!


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