Monday, February 22, 2010

Tom Delonge Tattoo Rabbit

La Sacher

Good evening all! finally found some time to post a nice recipe ... a classic, a cake from "cuddle" I made for Valentine's Day and that was very successful ... what to say, I love dark chocolate and I think that especially in the Sacher cake its wonderful flavor is delivered to the nth degree! The base of the cake comes from a recipe from an old issue of Chocolate & Co. while the icing I have taken from the Wired New York Arabella and I must say that I think is perfect! gloss and texture right;) is not enough then use a jam too sweet and the result has been commented on by itself: P

Sacher Cake: Ingredients for


-250 g dark chocolate 55% of good quality butter
-250 -250 -8 eggs

-230 g caster sugar 00 g flour -1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

-sale-apricot jam

-Melt the chopped chocolate in a double boiler
previously-heated first in a bowl with warm water Put the butter into small pieces , made at room temperature to soften and begin to work it with a wooden spoon to make it creamy, then whisk with a whisk, adding sugar and pinch of salt.
-Go to work the mixture until a foam-Pour in the cream, very slowly, the warm, melted chocolate and continue stirring the mixture to incorporate well-Combine the egg yolks, one at a time, being careful not to add another until the previous one has not been fully absorbed-Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt and vanilla, add them to the mixture with a gentle motion from the bottom up, taking care not to remove the mixture-Stir in the sifted flour now repeatedly stirring with a wooden spoon, pour the mixture into a mold of 24 cm hinged been buttered and floured, level and bake 180 degrees for about an hour-Turn out and cool on a rack-Riscadare jam to make it smoother and more spread-Cut cake in half and stuffed with apricot jam, and close it with a brush to make a thin layer of jam over the base and also on the sides of the sweet-Glass cake to coat evenly.

Ingredients for the Frosting:

-250 g dark chocolate 55% of good-quality

least 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar

-1 / 2 cup of water

-Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, add the sugar and then the water, pouring it little by little and, mixing well, place in a very low heat stirring with a wooden spoon until it becomes smooth and soft; se serve passare al colino.

Goduriosa e buonissima!!! :P

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sadlier-oxford Vocabulary Answers Level E Unit 4

PerFiducia 2.0: prima carta pubblicata

Hello guys, finally this morning

the Goose has turned the first card and I have just published the first chapter of my adventure Elda.

Have you registered yet? Let me know if you register the name of your hero and heroine leave a comment on my Elda, let me know what you think ...

Kiss, Delia

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Can You Get A Phiten Necklace Wet

Cheesecake al Cioccolato Bianco

Buona sera a tutti!!! il dolcino godurioso che vi propongo stasera l'ho trovato mooolto tempo fa sulla rivista Cioccolato & Co. ed è ormai divenuto un must in casa mia... mio fratello lo definisce addirittura come "Il cheesecake più buono che ci sia", e posso assicurarvi che se deciderete di provarlo non ve ne pentirete... le dosi sono adattate alle mia teglia da 24 cm.

White Chocolate Cake Ingredients for


-200 g chocolate biscuits (I Pan di Stelle)

-100 g butter Finely chop the cookies and mix with melted butter, pour the mixture in a baking pan previously greased and hinged with the bottom covered cartaforno. Place in refrigerator to harden for at least 30 minutes.

Ingredients for the cake:

-500 g -250 g white chocolate ricotta

-1 / 2 vial of vanilla extract
100 g caster sugar -2 eggs

-50 g dark chocolate for decoration

-Melt the chocolate in a double boiler Bainco
-In a bowl fitted with the whisk the ricotta cheese to soften and add sugar, vanilla and eggs one at a time and finally white chocolate warmed but still soft
-Pour over the base of biscuits and bake at 180 degrees for
-about 40 minutes if possible, let the cake cool in the oven and then put in the fridge for a night
-Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and through the use of a croissant or more semplimente paper with a wooden spoon to doodles on the surface of the cake.

Et voila!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Baitbus Gratis Online

PerFiducia 2.0

Hello guys,

good news that I present to you today: the challenge of the Goose on the site perFiducia .

La sfida è un bellissimo gioco, durante il quale vi potrete trasformare in scrittori o anche solo in lettori se preferite.
Iscrivetevi sul sito PerFiducia e create il vostro eroe, l'Oca vi guiderà poi nella creazione di un racconto, scoprendo una carta/traccia ogni due giorni.
Sarà possibile diventare seguaci degli eroi che più ci appassionano ed allo stesso tempo altri lettori potranno seguire il nostro eroe.
Alla fine del gioco i primi 100 eroi con più seguaci vinceranno bellissimi premi (telecamere ed abbonamenti al cinema)...poi una giuria sceglierà tre vincitori, che vedranno la loro storia diventare un cortometraggio. Che emozione!

Il mio eroe si chiama Elda, dai scopritela e perhaps become his followers!
Register and then tell me what do you call your heroes, I'm curious to read your stories!

Kiss, Delia.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chris Kattan Imitating Christopher Lowell

Pane veloce veloce di Nanino

I really need a recipe as well. So easy, fast, easy and flawless. The source is Nanino Wired New York to thank him for his advice and the recipe ... and now, who left it?? I recommend you try this bread ... absolutely perfect: D

Quick Bread Quick Nanino:

Ingredients (for 3 loaves):
-500 g flour 00
-370 gr di acqua tiepida
-12.5 g lievito di birra
-1 cucchiaino di malto
-1 e 1/2 cucchiaini di sale
-Sciogliere il lievito e il malto nell'acqua tiepida
-Setacciare la farina in una terrina e poi aggiungervi pian piano i liquidi mescolando con una forchetta
-Per ultimo aggiungere il sale e dare una rimestata veloce in modo da ottenere un composto appicicoso e grumoso
-Spolverizzare la superficie con abbondante farina e porre a lievitare per 1 ora e mezza
-A mezz'ora dalla fine della lievitazione accendere il forno a 240°
-Riprendere l'impasto, farlo scendere delicatamente dalla ciotola alla spianatoia ben infarinata (If you have a leccapentola use it, passing it back to the dough and separating it from the bowl) and with a floured knife to divide it into 3 loaves. The top of the dough should be left always pointing up!
-Place loaves on the baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake for about half an hour or until golden brown.

Very good as that of the baker .... also to test the olives)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Usaa Prepaid Card Balance

Focaccia morbida morbida

Last week I went to the grocery store and saw that Barilla has made a new flour for bread and cakes ... I could make me run away?? behind the package was a recipe for the cake and I decided to try it even if very incredulous ... what about ... very good! soft soft, high ... and say that I have made half dose! riportoi you here that I halved the recipe, is an impressive speed!

Focaccia soft Barilla


-500 g flour for cakes barilla (I put 300 g and 200 g flour barilla Manitoba)
-15 g yeast
-250 ml warm water (I I have served a few more)
-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
-1 Teaspoon salt -1 teaspoon of sugar

In the planetary-I put the flours, oil, yeast dissolved in a little water with the sugar and I gave away, gradually adding the 'warm water
-Finally add salt
-Turn on floured surface and knead for 5 minutes by hand, forming a ball and put to rise in an oiled bowl for about half an hour, practicing the traditional head screwdriver
-Roll out the dough in a greased baking sheet with oil and spread with your fingers to put lievtirae
-hour for at least half an hour after the end turn on the oven to 220 °
-Practicing classic pits on focaccia with your fingers, thrust and roll going well the surface of the cake with 2 tablespoons of olive oil beaten with 2 tablespoons water, salt and bake for about 15 minutes
-.20-Remove from the oven the cake and brush with olive oil.
