Monday, December 29, 2008

Pink And Green Polka Dot Tablecloth

Le scarpe dei GAS anche nelle Botteghe Equo-Solidali

Continua il successo delle scarpe dei Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale
(vedi post del 27 Ottobre). Ora le potete anche trovare nelle
Fairtrade shops, where you can easily try them. A
Este you can turn to Libra while Monselice to the Hummingbird.
report that the shoes have increased by € 7, and then
the new model will cost € 43. The shoe, at first sight quite similar to the previous
, improvements have been made concerning the form and
heel. The increase of € 7
is due to these entries:
2.5 € for the work that was carried throughout
in Italy with the purchase of new instruments, which have allowed the workers
Verona not to enter fund
integration (a small part of the work was still being made in Romania);
2 euro per l'aumento della materia prima della gomma;
1,5 euro per la progettazione del nuovo modello;
1 euro per l'IVA.


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