Monday, December 29, 2008

Pink And Green Polka Dot Tablecloth

Le scarpe dei GAS anche nelle Botteghe Equo-Solidali

Continua il successo delle scarpe dei Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale
(vedi post del 27 Ottobre). Ora le potete anche trovare nelle
Fairtrade shops, where you can easily try them. A
Este you can turn to Libra while Monselice to the Hummingbird.
report that the shoes have increased by € 7, and then
the new model will cost € 43. The shoe, at first sight quite similar to the previous
, improvements have been made concerning the form and
heel. The increase of € 7
is due to these entries:
2.5 € for the work that was carried throughout
in Italy with the purchase of new instruments, which have allowed the workers
Verona not to enter fund
integration (a small part of the work was still being made in Romania);
2 euro per l'aumento della materia prima della gomma;
1,5 euro per la progettazione del nuovo modello;
1 euro per l'IVA.

Invitation Card For Death Anniveasry

970 euro a Il Manifesto

Sono stati raccolti 970 euro dalla cena
organizzata Sabato 20 Dicembre per
"Il manifesto" che ha visto quasi 60 partecipanti...
un gran successo.
Sotto mettiamo in evidenza
il bollettino postale per una questione
di trasparenza.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Signs Scorpio Man Is Not Interested

Buon Natale!

Cari amici,

Natale è finalmente arrivato!

Tanti auguri di Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo...spero che tutti i vostri desideri possano avverarsi (spero che si avverino anche i miei!!!).

Godetevi le feste e anche questo bel video di animazione, perfetto anche per i children.

Kiss, Delia.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Smithfield's Barbeque Nutrition

Campagna ZZUB: Uebbi il tuo amico in Internet Insane Gamers


these days I continued to use Uebbi and now this little gem has become part of family life.
My kids use it daily to see funny movies and I have adopted as the official clock radio to wake me gently that I love the songs I have memorized are ideal. My husband uses it for the latest news, especially when the television is monopolized by children.

Uebbi has many advantages but also some flaws.

The first is undoubtedly the price, 170 €, certainly beyond the reach of many pockets, le mie in primis! A questo prezzo, se non l'avessi ricevuto in omaggio, non me lo sarei potuto permettere.
Il secondo è che i video divertenti non vengono aggiornati con regolarità e questo mi secca molto, perché devo sorbirmi gli stessi video giorno dopo giorno, visto che i miei bambini sembrano non risentire del fatto di saperli tutti a memoria.
Il terzo è che la sua memoria interna è molto, troppo, piccola (128Mb) e che non può riprodurre video caricati dall'utente in quanto è compatibile solo con file audio...anche se ve lo avevo già detto nell'ultimo post, ve lo ripeto, perché mi dispiace molto non poter visualizzare video su Uebbi...i miei bimbi ne andrebbero matti!

Come sempre thank you very much for giving me ZZUB Uebbi!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Black Below Knee Dress

Hello everyone, I want to talk

a forum that I was pleasantly surprised Insane Gamers.
It 's a forum where we talk mostly of P2P, but the arguments that you can find are various, from technology to sports, from schools to the economy, and more engines will find.

The beauty is that for every answer you will earn 1 point posted Karma (for a response a bit 'longish, not two words, or earn less) and open discussion for each new Karma 5 points ... so on without limit gain, except the rule to post answers that make sense.

With Karma points you are going to accumulate quickly you can buy items in the shop really beautiful ... such as a game for the Xbox 360 costs 420 points, a PC game costs 150 points, 590 points a Xbox360 Pro real interesting ... ?

Register, post and bring home gifts. Do I sign up under you friends and earn 10% of their points.
tomorrow I'll always be on Insane Gamers ... look for me!

Kiss, Delia

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Most Powerful Desktop Ever 2010

Uebbi has arrived ...


as I anticipated, I was sent Uebbi Telecom Italy and I received it Friday afternoon.

After connecting the current Uebbi was immediately connected to my modem without any problems and have downloaded all the widgets of Virgil: horoscopes, news, weather and funny videos.
Uebbi is really nice to use, the screen can display up to date and well video to navigate with a few taps of the touch screen of the options proposed.

My kids love it and always want to see videos in style Paperissima "section in the video services, I like the weather and the latest news, video services. On
Uebbi can also play MP3s, but unfortunately his memory is very low (128 Mb), then I recommend you insert a SD card. You can not see video, as well as those who download from Internet.

I use it as a clock radio and I feel good. I will update you on developments

Uebbi use of every day I'm trying different functionality. Thanks again to
ZZUB gift for telling!

Kiss, Delia