Monday, August 31, 2009

Restaurant With Paper Hats

Programma Festa In Rosso _ ESTE NO COVER 2009

This year we are pleased to invite you to our consolidated music festival is now in its sixth edition. ESTE NO COVER and 2009 will find its place on 18 and 19 September in the Day In Red, which will take place at Castle Gardens Este 16 to 23 September. Friday, 19 will offer an evening that will look into the kind Indie Rock with SIMPLEMEN THINK, the GLEAMER and Schiele. Saturday 20 we find the sounds of folk CRANCHI BOY EIL Wicked PORPHYRY and MUSIC KITCHEN. But the party does not end only in music, also hosts evenings with the Company to emigrate mentally unstable all'antipsichiatria, political and cultural debate by presenting the book on Alberto Burgio crisis in the company of Nicola Atalmi and System Of A Down, will speak Antonio Mazzetti Euganean Hills, the Dansudav propose workshops with ethnic instruments and play. Through the comic Lise-torque Talami talk about sbattezzo while Cossi Paul will lead us to reflect on the experience of armed struggle. Of course, a work rich food stand. Below you will find the detailed program.

Wednesday, September 16 21:00 pm
_ "WORDS WITH THE SUITCASE" mentally unstable
The Company has organized a show on the theme of migration on texts in prose and poetry drawn from authors of different nationalities and different periods. Theme the case of those who for various reasons, it was forced to leave, meeting more often hostile reception that. Musical performances will take turns in acting.

Thursday, September 17 21:00 pm
_ "PSYCHIATRIC ABUSE" _ a theme evening
- "Department 14" V. Giovanardi, V. Blacks, A. Dicorato (ITA, 2005, 18 ', Documentary) Interview with Dr.
. Giorgio Antonucci, dell'antipsichiatria world leading exponent, relating his experience to the former mental hospital in Imola.
- "lizard tails" of V. Giovanardi (ITA, 2008, 48 ', Documentary)
The director spoke to some survivors of the forced hospitalization of psychiatry today highlighting how the current problem of social and what remains of the old asylums of the idea in our culture "democratic."
- "institutions post-mental hospitals" by Nicola Valentine, Ed leaves
Sensitive to tackle with the author, through the stories of some experiences and testimonies, a discussion on the current situation of Italian psychiatry 30 years after Basaglia law that would have decreed the closure of asylums, but in fact did not eliminate the unhealthy idea for which they were designed. Reflect on what are the community housing, psychiatric repartini, the tso and what remains to be done not to exclude people who are diagnosed with mental illness make you slaves of a system from which it is difficult if not impossible to get out.
- Alessio Lega Rocco and Trademarks are the so-called "mad and call you"

Friday, September 18 18:30 pm
_ SPRITZ under the walls!
cocktail music and words
_ ESTE 21:00 pm NO COVER 2009 / indie fest
- SIMPLEMEN THINK _ Post punk / Indie / New Wave From Ferrara Padova Rovigo
- GLEAMER _ Alternative / Shoegaze / Electronics
from Vicenza - SCHIELE _ Rock from Vicenza

Saturday, September 19 18:30 pm
_ "talk of a crisis" _ meeting debate
Alberto Burgio, Professor at the University of Bologna, will present the book "Without democracy. An analysis of the crisis," DeriveApprodi , Roma 2009.
Nell’elaborare la sua “controstoria” del neoliberismo, Burgio individua le cause di fondo della crisi nella sovrapproduzione di capitale e di merci, all’origine della quale operano le condizioni imposte al lavoro dipendente: deregulation del mercato del lavoro, precarietà e bassi salari. In sintesi: siamo di fronte a una crisi da sovrapproduzione figlia dei meccanismi di riproduzione del neoliberismo.
NICOLA ATALMI - Consigliere Regionale PdCI
PAOLO BENVEGNU' - Segretario Provinciale PRC
Ore 21:00 _ ESTE NO COVER 2009 / indie fest
- CRANCHI BOY E IL PERFIDO PORFIDO _ Pop italiano/folk from Mantova
- MUSICA DA CUCINA _ Folk/Ambiente/Concreta from Sondrio

Domenica 20 Set.
Ore 16:00 _ Corso di strumenti etnici
Corso di percussione con Dante Calore
Corso di didjeridoo con Davide Mattiazzi
Quota di partecipazione 10 euro
Strumenti forniti dal progetto Perdintorni
Per maggiori informazioni chiama Dante: 3388932690
Ore 21:00 _ Concerto di DANSUDAV _ Etno/Folk from Vicenza

Lunedì 21 Set.
Viaggio tra parole e immagini con ANTONIO MAZZETTI, naturalista e profondo conoscitore dei Colli Euganei
Antonio Mazzetti, naturalista. Noto conoscitore dei Colli Euganei, nutre un profondo amore per questa terra, studiata, fotografata e percorsa lentamente in simbiosi con i suoi ritmi e ricercando exchange with its inhabitants. Among his many publications: "The Flora of the Hills Hills" and "The names of the earth"

Tuesday, September 22 21:00 pm
_ _ COMIC meeting with the author
"I almost SBATTEZZO" Alexander and Lise Alberto Talami
Comics published this year by Editions yellow beak and already sold out.
E 'diary incredible odyssey (true) Beto, a young worker-artist, who one day decides to ever leave the Catholic Church. The comic was published in part and episodes "Unity".
"THE HISTORY OF MARA" by Paolo Cossi, Ed Lavieri, 2006
In 1978 Mara Nanni choose to be part of the Red Brigades. Arrested on 24 settebre 1979, 1981 (first trial Moro) is sentenced to life imprisonment, thirty years' imprisonment and one year of isolation during the day. In any appeal the sentence is first reduced to twenty-six years and then to fifteen years. In 1994, she finished her period of detention but his experience, and some ghost, remains. This time it's medium to tell of the daily comic, absurd and trivial, hidden behind the Red Brigades. The life and choices of young Mara Nanni. The true story of a difficult life told through the line and slightly evocative of Paul Cossi.

Wednesday, September 23 20:00 pm
_ DINNER open to all
Music "relaxing" background

Monday, August 24, 2009

What Does The G In Pokemon Mean

Ciao a tutti!

Hello guys, what

time no hear from ... le vacanze e tutto il resto sono mesi che non aggiorno il blog, che vergogna!

Come al solito in luglio/agosto sono stata al mare con la famiglia, ma in più questa estate ho fatto anche un trasloco. Temporaneamente mi sono trasferita in un altro appartamento, intanto ho venduto il mio e tra poco partirà la costruzione della mia casa.
E' un sogno che si avvera, anche se ancora non mi sembra possibile...una casetta tutta mia!

Vi farò partecipi dei dettagli...un bacio!
