Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Does Scx 4521f Has A Drum?

Storia d'emigrazione

These days there is much chatter about security and illegal, then I would tell the story of a man who have not committed any crime, working honestly and eager to stabilize its position has been seen hampered and abused by the Italian bureaucracy.
Throughout the narrative will not find the name of the protagonist of this story in order not to make it recognizable, and then protect it, even the names of some cities will voluntarily omitted for the same reason, moreover, his story is similar to that of many other emigrants.
His country of origin of the across the Mediterranean on the coast of Africa, but more than fifteen years he moved to Europe, first in other states and then a tourist visa has arrived in Italy, precisely in Reggio Calabria. There he started working immediately, did the farmer, he moved to Naples and later in the rich north - east, at that time Veneto a land of emigration but now forgotten its history, is unfortunately more and more ed'intolleranza home to warehouses.
Our protagonist, however, does not remain with our hands and in the new city is a job: a cooperative loading - unloading which employs about two hundred and fifty people.
Passano i mesi e il suo permesso di soggiorno scade, allora da cittadino onesto, con la sua busta paga, si dirige in questura per rinnovarlo ma qui riceve un’amara sorpresa: la cooperativa per la quale lavora ufficialmente non esiste e gli viene intentato un processo penale, in quanto ha dichiarato il falso ed il permesso di soggiorno gli viene bloccato.
Lui si rivolge ad un avvocato esperto in materia e dalle care parcelle, nel processo penale viene assolto mentre il ricorso per il permesso di soggiorno viene perso. Il guaio è che questo avvocato, troppo esperto in materia tanto da approfittarsene, gli dice che il ricorso è stato vinto e che quindi lui può andare dove vuole.
Si trasferisce in un’altra città del Veneto, except that a letter arrived from the police of the city where it was before and he believes to be in order, is presented. Once at the police station, however, he discovers that under Italian law he is an illegal immigrant and then immediately sent to detention center in Milan in Via Corelli.
How difficult is life in these centers, I think just about everyone you know, you just know that those inside can hardly communicate with the outside world but more importantly, when you enter if you have a phone with video camera you are broken, because it is all too clear.
After two days of his arrival, the Milan magistrate ordered him to return to his country of origin. The attorney-profiteer, under pressure from friends of our hero, and makes use of another local court challenging the ruling and the appeal will be accepted or rejected at the end of October. Meanwhile, fortunately, our hero left the CPT and currently works, has a regular paycheck and a CUD.
The fact remains that an honest man, who works, who wants to legalize his position, met so many obstacles that the road illegally would be easier and less expensive. Why the Italian achieves this? Perhaps because if there is a gray area stimulated by excessive bureaucracy, many people earn and often behind a proclaimed iron fist hiding vulgar profiteers.

Damian Fusaro

Monday, June 29, 2009

What Episode Does Bulma Say Vegeta's Cute?

Sabato 4 Luglio tutti a Vicenza!

For those wishing to join us on meeting is at 12:00 in front of the Social Center of the Pillar. The long journey includes a stop for lunch in Berici ... For any information on the event please visit www.nodalmolin.it