Monday, April 27, 2009

Best Underwear For Summer


This year the committee Casera Company is organized to resist.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

as usual we will meet to commemorate the founding of the battalion Ferdian, the precursor of armed resistance to the Nazi-fascist dictatorship.

Not to forget and pursue the dreams and hopes of those who sacrificed their youth thinking of our future. No longer with Sten or 91 but with the memory, information and culture: this is now our way to resist.

During the day the writer Paola Lugo mountaineer will present his new book MOUNTAIN REBELS - A guide to places of resistance, Mondadori edition, an interesting walk along the paths literary partisans.

The event is scheduled for 11.00 am at the refuge. The program is very flexible and give you the opportunity, after the greetings and short talks of the ritual, to broaden the conversation to all participants in front of a glass of wine and a sausage. Yes I tell you, you drink, you will play and sing, to remind us all to resist.

It is not unlikely that some of the young men of '43 - '45 be here with us that day to remember.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is A Eastern Traildigger 2010 Good

3 ulivi per il parco PPP

Saturday 3 young olive trees have been planted - almost a tribute to The Man Who Planted by Jean Giono aber - in what might become the Park Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Does Facebook Have Log In History

Buona Pasqua!

Ciao a tutti,

un affettuoso augurio di buona Pasqua e buone vacanze, anche se brevi.

Godetevi Pasquetta e fate un bel pic-nic ed una bella mangiata.

Un bacio, Delia.