Thursday, September 4, 2008

Energy Drink Stickers

Programma Este No Cover-Festa In Rosso

This year, the tandem Este No Cover - Day In Red will be live in September with a full program of events Culture will be housed in the Castle Gardens Este 18 to 28 September. 11 days then that will test la nostra resistenza ma soprattutto la vostra, perchè le serate sono tutte imperdibili. Questa festa è una scommessa, che possiamo vincere grazie alla vostra presenza e partecipazione.

Giovedì 18 Settembre - Ore 21:00
PARKIZ Hip pop_Live showcase_presentazione demo

Venerdì 19 Settembre - Ore 21:00 - ESTE NO COVER
SPEEDY PEONES Garage/trash/downtempo from Padova
NO SEDUCTION Garage/new wave from Venezia
THREE IN ONE GENTLEMAN SUIT Indie/post rock from Emilia Romagna

Sabato 20 Settembre - Ore 21:00 - ESTE NO COVER
MARGARETH Indie rock from Mestre
FUMISTERIE Pop/rock indie from Roma

Domenica 21 Settembre - Ore 21:00
Proiezione of the following documentaries about insecurity, political and women
"unskilled worker" (Italy, 2007, 18 min)
"Antonio Railroad" (Italy, 2007, 12 min)
"First Article" (Italy, 2007, 30 min)
"The dangerous" (Italy, 2006, 29 min)
"If women laugh / If women laugh" (Italy, 2006, 25 min)

Tuesday, September 23 - 21:00
"Man and gentleman" loosely based on performance homonymous play by Eduardo De Filippo Theatre Company presented by mentally unstable

Wednesday, September 24 - 21:00
FRANCO MIOTTO presents "The mountains of my life, hiking and climbing in the mountains of home. With the help di diapositive straordinarie il grande alpinista dolomitico ci condurrà per i sentieri impervi e quasi inesplorati della sua montagna.

Giovedì 25 Settembre - Ore 21:00
COCHABAMBA ORCHESTRA Zouk/Jungle/Shoegaze from Padova

Venerdì 26 Settembre
Ore 19:00 - Aperitivo con il fumettista PAOLO COSSI
Presentazione del libro "Medz Yeghern, il grande male", Hazard edizioni sullo sterminio degli Armeni
Ore 21:00 -Teatro
Le donne del Presidio NO DAL MOLIN presentano lo spettacolo teatrale "Io Juliette, io pulizie" che racconta storie di immigrati e sfruttamento nel lavoro
Ore 22:00 - Musica
I FOLLETTI DEL GRANDE BOSCO Raggae/Folk rock from Rovigo

Sabato September 27
15:30 - The project musico-cultural PERDINTORNI "
offers free courses in drums and ethnic percussion instruments for children and adults
- Info: 338 8932690
Dante 19:00 - Bars with the author ADRIANO RONCAL
Presentation of the book "The Bad News Bears Mesath Valley", published by Image Library
20:00 pm - BBQ for participants at 1 Tournament Anti-Racist and sexist
Touch Rugby to be held from 10 to 18
Stadium Augusteo - Info: 3492136789 Sandro
Folk Folk from Castelmassa
mobile stage from Hills Hills
UNCLEDOG Rock from Este
ELIA BILLON / DINO Fumaretto Punk Acoustic from Mantua

Sunday, September 28
about 12 hours -
SOCIAL LUNCH 15:30 - The project musico-cultural PERDINTORNI "
offers free courses in drums and ethnic percussion instruments for children and adults
- Info: 338 Dante 8932690

every night even self-produced music with DJ Kebra, Renato, Goofy. Information spaces within the party associations, ethnic crafts, a well-stocked food stand to dine, wine and merry Mojito bar.
In the previous post you can look, open and spread the banner of the festival and events.