Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Referral Card Wording


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Does Wearing Underwear Make Penis Small

Traversata Trasversa del Solstizio d'Inverno_Domenica 19 Dicembre_Da Battaglia Terme a Vo' Euganeo

after crossing the Summer Solstice: that of the Winter Solstice. From Sun
triumphant in his longest day - that brought us the Flood - the shortest day, full of mysteries and hopes for another magical day in anticipation of the New Sun.
This time we follow the rising sun, crossing the hills Hills of Traverso, from east to west, walking on the central ridges that are divided up by Ceva to Rua, rising to the north side of the Venda and fall on the gentle vineyards Cortelà and pieces.
A path once again slow but steady, curious wonders, to be held on a strict path, with rocks and boulders, narrow, slippery, da farsi magari in compagnia del gelo, o della neve o, ancora una volta, della pioggia...
Pur nella tradizionale solidarietà dei camminanti, in queste condizioni, ognuno sarà responsabile di se stesso.

Organizzazione e sintesi del percorso, che si calcola sull'ordine dei 18/20 Km.
Ritrovo all'area verde presso la rotonda per Galzignano, in Viale degli Alpini, a Battaglia Terme (il Bar di Michele sarà aperto per l'occasione).
Partenza verso ore 7,30 in direzione del “Ferro di Cavallo”. Salita per le bancate rocciose e scivolose fino alla Croce del monte Ceva.
Discesa al passo di Turri (Prima possibilità di ristoro al Belvedere).
Cresta del monte Trevisan to the High Regazzoni, where we will be guests for a quick lunch at the shelter-house Faostina Paolo Gobbi.
Continue to the crest of the mountain air of the valleys to the pass of Sies (Refreshments at Small Mars). Climb the big side of the mountain east Rua (Another quick dining options at the mountain hut Rua).
Rua and the south side of the ridge to the Col du Roccolo (Refreshments). Climb to the northern flank of the mountain to the house Bronboìna Venda (greetings to the friendly family Fogato) and down to the stony path to the rough-Laghizzolo.
Continue on the road to the town of Motol Mofìo paved street of San Silvestro Cortelà Alta. Step in Cantina di Massimo Mutti and down the coast in between vineyards and Boccon Cortelà. The transverse end
Crossing the Farm where Bacchus and Ariadne camminnanti will be welcomed in a heated space with the comfort food hearty and generous wines ... And finally, songs and dances to celebrate the Calicanto preview new album "Mosaic".

Transverse Crossing (pdf)

times indicated
Sunday, December 19 at 7:33 am the sun rises and sets at 16:41, then we will have about nine hours of winter light to walk.
(The actual solstice will be Wednesday, December 22: The sun rises at 7.35 and will set at 16.42)

Check with the first light at about 7.30
1 hour prior to departure to the summit of Mount Ceva
about 1 hour from the summit of Mount Ceva to the house of Paolo Gobbi (stop)
about 1 hour until Piccolo Marte ( stop)
about 1 hour until the Refuge of Rua (stop)
1 hour to the pass Roccolo (stop)
½ hours back home Bronboìna (short stop)
½ hours to 20 minutes until the asphalt Via San Silvestro
40 min until the Farm Bacchus and Ariadne. In total
on 8 / 9 hours of walking, including stops. Therefore we Bacchus and Ariadne around 16.30.
the recovery of the car to let Battle T. There will be a free ride by means of the organization.

For more information: 3284070488

(no book, no registration)